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Karl Craig-West & Associates

Leicester, UK

ph: 0800 977 5481

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“27 Top Marketing Tips”
audio CD now available.

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Business to Business Networking Groups

As a help to my colleagues in the local business community I’ve tried to develop a list of business networking groups in Leicestershire and surrounding counties.

It’s not definitive so if you’re involved in a group that’s not listed then please let me know the details in the format you see them here.

I’ve tried to be impartial but the groups that I’m directly involved in are listed first and the rest are in no particular order. I hope this list will come in useful.
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Runs regular networking events around the country.
Contact your local branch to find out what’s going on though.
Visit and click on ‘regions’ to find your local branch contacts and events.

Profitable Networking
High impact, enjoyable evening networking in a fun and dynamic environment.
Currently running events in Leics, Northants & Warks.
Visit or call me on 0116 2229041 for more details.

Business Networking Clubs
Cost-effective breakfast networking in Leicestershire.
Visit or call Andrew Knight on 08707 461351 for more information.

Meets monthly in the evening for networking and business support. Groups around the country. For details of the Leicester group visit or contact Pauline Graham on 01530 245181.

Access 2 Business
Regular lunchtime networking events in Leicester,. Nottingham and Hull.
Visit or contact Karen Kennedy on 01472 816079.

The Regency Group
Meets weekly for breakfast in Leicester at the Regency Hotel..
Visit for more details.

Network Midlands
Regular lunch time meetings around the East Midlands.
Visit or call Trevor Wood on 01455 553593 for more info.

Lightning Connections
Frequent networking events in and around Northants.
Visit or call Sandra Beale on 07762 771290 for more info.

Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce
Runs regular networking events around Leicester and Leicestershire.
Visit and click on ‘what’s on’ to find contacts and events.

Working Breakfast
Weekly breakfast networking meetings in Leicestershire
Visit for further details.

Business over Breakfast
Regular networking breakfasts around the country.
Visit for your local club.

Nottingham Profit Club
Business education and peer to peer learning. Meets fortnightly at Blades Café, Trent Boulevard..7.05am. Contact Stuart Ross on 01159 827 694 for more details.

Business Referral Exchange (BRE)
Weekly breakfast meetings with clubs around the country.
Visit for your local branch.

Weekly breakfast meetings with clubs around the world.
Visit to find your local club.

Networking Tips

The poke-with-a-stick method will not bring great results from networking. Success in business networking is all about building relationships, so you’ll need to attend regularly.

Never join a group unless you truly believe that it will be a profitable investment (i.e. you will make more money than you spend).

Many business networking groups make great claims about the amount of referral business they pass around. Always try and substantiate these claims before making any lengthy (and costly) commitments.

Some networking groups charge a hefty joining fee and insist that you turn up nearly every week. If this could be a problem for you then consider looking elsewhere, there’s plenty of competition.

Go with attitude of giving – you will reap what you sew in networking.